Eur's design in Paris at Musée d'Orsay Pars, april-september 2015 - Guglielmo Ulrich's bench (property of EUR SpA) designed for the E42 Visitors Room (1939) was on display at the Musèe d'Orsay in Paris during the exhibition Dolce Vita. Dal Liberty al design italiano (1900-1940) ... Read more>>
From march 12 to june 14 giugno 2015 l'E.U.R. in mostra all'Ara Pacis March-June 2015 - Eighty years after the 1942 Rome Universal Exhibition from which the E.U.R. district originated - and which, due to the outbreak of war, was never held - another Italian city has hosted the great universal event: the Milan Expo 2015. For this reason “Roma verso Expo Milano 2015” turned the City into an exceptional display cabinet in which to present cultural, tourism and manufacturing excellences. This is the sense of the exhibition Esposizione Universale Roma. Dal Fascismo agli anni '60 (Rome Universal Exhibition. From Facism to the 'Sixties), on view at the Ara Pacis Museum from 12th March to 14th June 2015, at the same time as the Milan Expo 2015, and promoted by the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali di Roma - Assessorato alla Cultura e Turismo (Rome Municipal Department for Cultural Assets - Council for Culture and Tourism) and by EUR SpA.. Read more>>
The Museion in Bolzano exhibits the works of Rossella Biscotti, reproduced using casts from EUR SpA's bronze busts January - May 2015 - Six years after the first exhibition at the Nomas Foundation in Rome, which revealed to the general public the existence, within Palazzo Uffici, of the 5 bronze busts depicting Benito Mussolini and Victor Emanuel III, Rossella Biscotti wanted to re-propose her own, personal new outlook... Read more>>
From 30 october until 28 november 2014, Palazzo Carpegna houses the exhibition "EUR sconosciuta" ("Unknow EUR") October-November 2014 – Opened on 9 October in Palazzo Carpegna, headquarters of the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, and organised by the prestigious cultural organisation in co-operation with the magazine Casabella, the exhibition EUR SCONOSCIUTA. Il “piccolo codice” di Giuseppe Pagano per la città corporativa e altre visioni urbane (UNKNOWN EUR. Giuseppe Pagano's "small codex" for a corporative city and other urban visions)... Read more>>>
Urban Lightscape. Paesaggi della città contemporanea Giugno-Ottobre 2015 - È on line sul sito www.urban-lightscape.com il bando del Concorso internazionale di idee “Urban Lightscape - Paesaggi della città contemporanea: la luce come elemento di connessione tra passato presente e futuro”... Read more>>
Concorso Eco-Deco 2014
Settembre-Dicembre 2014 - EUR SpA ha indetto e promosso il concorso creativo denominato “ECO-DECO” - il Concorso più ecologico del Natale, dedicato a tutti gli alunni delle scuole dell'infanzia e primarie del Comune di Roma. Il concorso ha voluto approfondire con gli alunni e gli insegnanti un argomento di grande attualità come quello del rispetto ambientale e del riciclo e riutilizzo di materiali... Read more>>
Concorso letterario e fotografico: "Il quartiere Eur: come è... come lo vorrei"
Settembre 2012-Gennaio2013 - Il progetto è stato dedicato agli studenti delle scuole secondarie di primo grado ed, in particolare, alle terze classi che hanno per oggetto, nel loro programma di studi, il contesto storico relativo agli anni di progettazione e costruzione del quartiere dell'Eur.
Il concorso "I giovani e l'Eur" Marzo 2011-Aprile 2012 - Il 14 marzo 2011, EUR SpA ha indetto il concorso 'I giovani e l'Eur', riservato agli studenti delle Scuole Superiori, per l'ideazione del nuovo logo societario. La Giuria, costituita dai membri del Consiglio di Amministrazione di EUR SpA, ha selezionato i 10 ritenuti migliori che sono stati sottoposti a nuova valutazione, questa volta telematica. A votazione conclusa, la proposta grafica risultata vincente è stata l'elaborazione di Giulia Miglio, studentessa dell'Istituto Massimiliano Massimo.
Open House Roma 2015 May 2015 - Open House Roma is an international event that involves many cities throughout the world every year; from New York to London, from Chicago to Barcelona, giving free access to the city's most representative architectural structures for a single weekend. EUR SpA, considering the value of the initiative and the historic and architectural heritage in its possession, joined the event in 2012.... Read more>>
Filming of the new film "James Bond 007 Spectre" starts in EUR February 2015 - Once again, EUR is being used as the set for a Hollywood blockbuster. This time it is the Palazzo della Civiltà Romana that has been chosen to file the new movie "James Bond 007 Spectre". Directed by Sam Mendes, this is the twenty-fourth film in the famous saga based on the works of Ian Fleming... Read more>>
"Tango sotto le stelle" sulla terrazza del Palazzo dei Congressi Testo in aggiornamento... Read more>>
FAI Days 2014 March 2014 - Great success for the 22nd edition of the FAI Spring Days: over 2000 visitors on 22 and 23 March at Palazzo Uffici and the Salone delle Fontane - the set of "La grande bellezza" ("The Great Beauty") - opened specially to the public thanks to EUR SpA... Read more>> |
Oscar for "La grande bellezza", ("The great beauty") directed by Paolo Sorrentino Paolo Sorrentino wins, returning to Italy with a statue that has not been seen since 1999. There has also been a special source of pride for EUR, which was used as one of the scenes for the film, with the film cameras being set up in the atrium of the Salone delle Fontane (Palazzo Uffici – EUR SpA).
Palazzo dei Congressi to host the 2014 edition of the '900 Live concet series November-December 2014 - The Auditorium Capitalis at Palazzo dei Congressi (managed by Roma Convention Group) is to host the 2014 edition of '900 Live, the concert series performing Twentieth Century Italian and European classical music, which is also open to great composers of the past... Read more>>
Eur's architecture on display in Hanoi alongside Gattinoni dresses November 2013 - EUR S.p.A. is happy to have hosted the creations of the maison Gattinoni at the two most representative architectural sites in the district. These images, taken against the delightful backdrops of Palazzo dei Congressi and the Rome Convention Center La Nuvola... Read more>>
One Night Only June 2013 - A parade of film stars, rock stars and international VIPs came together in EUR, at Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, to celebrate Giorgio Armani. The occasion? The opening, on June 5th last, of the new Roman boutique in Via Condotti, which saw the participation of over 600 guests in the most glamorous event of the year at the Square Colosseum... Read more>>
In the cloud.. at Rome Convention Center "La Nuvola" with HTC One March 2013 - An extraordinary success and enormous media attention for presentation of the latest arrival in the HTC family, which chose “La Nuvola”, the Rome Convention Center in EUR, specially opened for the occasion, for its presentation to the Italian market... Read more>>
Re Boat Race September 2015 - After the great success of the previous editions, starting in 2012, the most colourful and green event of the summer returns to EUR's Parco Centrale del Lago: the Re Boat Race, that is to say the first regatta in Italy - the sole and inimitable - for boats constructed exclusively from recycled materials... Read more>> |
The Hanami tradition in EUR's Central Park April 2015 - This morning, Eur's Parco Centrale del Lago hosted Hanami: the ancient Japanese tradition of contemplating cherry blossom in flower. This was occasioned by the gift of prized Yoshino cherry tress by the pharmaceutical company Daiichi Sankyo... Read more>> |
The "Campagna Amica" market at the "Mushroom"
Following the great success seen locally, the "Campagna Amica" Market in Piazza Pakistan (known locally as the "Mushroom") will remain available to citizens, as always at fortnightly intervals and on Saturday.
"My city smart city" Project 2014-2015 April 30th, 2015 saw the conclusion, at Palazzo dei Congressi, of the "My City Smart City" educational project, promoted by EUR SpA, carried out with the co-operation of Open City Roma and dedicated to secondary schools in Rome's EUR district. A path that forms part of the broader "Smart City Lab Eur" scenario, of planning ideas for an intelligent city... Read more>> |
World Environment Day at EUR SpA's Learning Garden On the World Environment Day 2014, on Thursday, 5th June, EUR SpA hosted the pupils from the primary schools who signed up for the operation at its Learning Garden (Largo Pakistan – Eur "Mushroom") and in co-operation with Coldiretti... Read more>> |