Tommaso D'Amaro, Consigliere

Tommaso D'Amaro, membro Consiglio Amministrazione EUR SpA TOMMASO D'AMARO has been a member of the Board of Directors of EUR SpA since September 2015.

Born in Naples in 1965 he graduated in Law from Salerno University in 1988.

Between 1994 and 1998 he passed the selection process for notaries, and was assigned initially to the Sant'Angelo a Fasanella district and subsequently to that of Scafati, while he also obtained a license to practice as a lawyer.

During the course of his profession he has followed and drawn up deeds relating to real estate transactions involving entire building complexes, buildings of a public and private nature, buildings for industrial, tourist, cultural use, industrial site plans, industrial areas, expropriation of real estate, assignment by public bodies, acquisition of assets by public bodies, property auctions, creation of compartments, lots, divisions, public residential buildings, dispossession, detailed plans, multi-year leases. He has dealt with real estate operations and contracts in the United Kingdom, in South America (Argentina) and in the United States.

As a teacher he has been lecturer in Co-operation Law at Naples "Parthenope" University, has taught at the Emanuele Casale School for Notaries with the Naples Council of Notaries and at the Postgraduate school for Law Professions at Salerno University, has assisted and continues to assist at the departments of Commercial law, Bankruptcy law and Banking law at the Salerno University Law School and has also given lectures before the councils of various professional orders (Chartered Accountants, Lawyers, Accountants) in various Italian cities and at the Court of Salerno and the Salerno Council of Notaries.

As author he has written Legittimazione dell'azionista a far valere la nullità di un contratto stipulato dalla società (Legal powers of shareholders to overturn a contract stipulated by the company) (in Giur. Comm., 1991), La mutualità delle Banche Popolari alla luce dei recenti interventi di riforma (in Riv. Coop., 1994), Le cooperative di credito (Credit unions) (in Le società no.12/1998 and no.1/1999), Il mancato versamento dei 3/10 e le insidie procedimentali dell'aumento di capitale (Failure to pay-up to the extent of 30 percent and the procedural problems relating to capital increases) (in Le società no.3/1999), I consorzi di cooperative (Co-operative consortia) (in Riv. Coop. 1998, I), Sede sociale e sede della liquidazione (Registered offices and place of liquidation) (in Giur. Comm., 2000, II) and has collaborated in a stable manner in editing of the "Rivista della Cooperazione" (Co-operation Magazine) (a legal magazine published in Rome by the “Luigi Luzzatti” Institute for Higher Education and by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Finally, he is co-author of: La riforma delle società Cooperative (The reform of Co-operative societies) (edited by Amedeo Bassi, Milan, 1992); Contratti di impresa (Business contracts) (edited by Vincenzo Buonocore, Milan, 1993);Giurisprudenza sistematica fondata da Walter Bigiavi “Società cooperative e mutue assicuratrici” (Systemic case law founded by Walter Bigiavi "Co-operatives and mutual associations") (Turin, 1999).

In 2005/2006 as Chairman of the Scafati Rotary Club he completed, with the agreement of the Superintendent for Cultural and Environmental Assets, the "fresco" paintings in the central cupola of the seventeenth century Sanctuary of St. Mary of the Baths in Scafati, employing the same techniques used by the Renaissance Masters.

He has been awarded the title of Commander of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Since 7 October 2013, upon nomination by the Prime Minister's Office, he is Chairman of the National Committee for planning and management of the Special Fund foreseen by Law 92/2009, for the enhancement of Holy Trinity Abbey, Cava de' Tirreni.